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- stephanielynn
- im here for advice, to be your friend, to bring a little more sunshine into your life than there already is! and if you just need someone to talk to!
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Friday, September 21, 2012
a little bit about me.
so sometimes i feel like i have a hard time figureing out what i want to write on here.. its seems to always be about something thats going on in my life, or something that I have relized and learned that i want to share. so i feel like today i want to tell you guys a little bit more about myself so that you have some idea whats behind all of these posts!
My name is Stephanie, if you couldnt tell... haha I am 20 years old, going to be 21 on November 16th! ( make sure to wish me a Happy Birthday!;)) I have one older brother who is 26. We get along very well, but of course we have our disagreements, anddd he likes to beat me up every once and a while, but other than that we have all of the same friends and we hang out more than other siblings do. I have the BEST Father that i think that i could have everrr asked for, and a lovable mother, I am more of a Daddys girl, but i love my mother a ton! I am not in school at the time, but I plan on attending a community college next semester for phsycology and business. I loveee to cook, and eventually want to own my own restaurant one day. I feel like im constantly intrested into something new like everyday but i feel like that makes me unique. anywaysss i dont think theres anything else that i need to add here, buttt if you think that you have anything that you might want to know about me please feel free to ask! not that anyone really reads this thing..
with love,
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
sometimes it takes other people putting things in perspective for you to really relize that things really do happen for a reason.
let me tell you a story.
me and my frieds go to this bar eveynight on tuesdays for kareoke. Well probably three months ago I met this guy there, his name is brian. well brian and I continued to ahng out after we met and it turned into a hook up. Well i told him originally that that was exactaly what i diddnt want and he insisted that, that wasnt the case. (insert every womens recaction here.) after about three months of hooking up and lies and whatever else he wants to call it, i called him out on all of his bullshit. andd pretty much that ship sailed..
wellllll three moinths later tonight actually i went to the same bar. and its so funny because i honestly am a firm believer that everything really does happen or a reason. Well as i walk into the bar the first people that I see are brians cousin and his friend. suprisngly they were actually really nice to me! they continued to talk about how much of a douche bag brian really is. Okay, if you OWN cousin is telling someone that you arent a good person, than there honestly has to be something wrong. They really showed me what kind of a person he really is, and it makes me happier about what happend, that i dodged a bullet and that this was meant to happen that way because somthing out there that is so much better is waiting for me.
with love and clarity,
a couple years ago..
The last time I wrote on my blog was a couple years back. I think I was 18 or 19. I felt as if within the next couple of years I would be on the way to figuring my life out... Boy was I wrong.....
Here I am sitting in my bed years later on a rainy day feeling as if the world is passing me by. I feel as though the thought of, "where is my life going from here?" is constantly lingering on my mind. I have a hard time figuring out what my passions are, and what I really want to make out of this life. Here are the things that I know that I want:
I want love.
I know that to some it may seem as though my priorities are out of wack. But I believe that love is the most important thing in this life. Without love there is nothing. No hope that things can be right, no happiness nothing can be of more importance than love.
I want happiness.
I want more than anything than to look back on this life and believe that I have done everything that ive wanted to do, and that I am completly and utterly happy with the outcome.
This time I dont know where i will be a couple years from now.. I dont know that things will ever turn out to be the way that I want them to be. But what I do know is that fate isnt by choice, its by chance. And im ready to take the ride to figure out what fate might bring me.
With Love and happiness,
Saturday, June 25, 2011
here i am, back it again...:)
so im sitting here at my computer searching through facebook feeds and other things like that to come to realize... WHAT AM I DOING.. im trying to find something else to do because the guy that i want to text me back is BARLEY paying any attention to me.. I HAVENT DONE THIS SINCE HIGHSCHOOL.... i have to shake myself out of this.. i am not doing this anymore.. this guy doest deserve this.. if he wants to talk to me he will, and if he wants to hang out with me, he will, ive texted him twice today and he responded but i am SURE not doing that tommorow.. he gave me one word answers today.. well thats me tommorow.. I HATE GAMES.
for all you men out there, i can Guarantee you that every other women that is reading this blog is shaking her head and agreeing with me...
if you`re interested, trust me, youre better off answering our text atleast one hour earlier than you are.. because otherwise were gonna make other plans..
i am done waiting for this guy, if he wants to talk to me he will, and thats that.
sorry for this rant.
with love,
so im sitting here at my computer searching through facebook feeds and other things like that to come to realize... WHAT AM I DOING.. im trying to find something else to do because the guy that i want to text me back is BARLEY paying any attention to me.. I HAVENT DONE THIS SINCE HIGHSCHOOL.... i have to shake myself out of this.. i am not doing this anymore.. this guy doest deserve this.. if he wants to talk to me he will, and if he wants to hang out with me, he will, ive texted him twice today and he responded but i am SURE not doing that tommorow.. he gave me one word answers today.. well thats me tommorow.. I HATE GAMES.
for all you men out there, i can Guarantee you that every other women that is reading this blog is shaking her head and agreeing with me...
if you`re interested, trust me, youre better off answering our text atleast one hour earlier than you are.. because otherwise were gonna make other plans..
i am done waiting for this guy, if he wants to talk to me he will, and thats that.
sorry for this rant.
with love,
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Al Green-Lets Stay Together

This is a picture of the place i went last night it has the BEST beach pizza.. So last night was probably one of the most boring nights i ever had, but i spent it with my best friend so we had a good night anyways, we went and got pizza at the beach and enjoyed laughing about almost everything and anything possible! If you arent familiar with what beach pizza is i will tell you! Well beach pizza is pizza thats a thin crust pizza with very little cheese and a sweet sauce! its so delicous, and actually A LOT healthier for you than regular pizza, unless you pay the extra like 10 cents for the extra cheese like i do!:) haha
Sometimes in life you have to look at the positive things instead or looking at all the of the things that are negative in your life. Last night I could have thought about how much it sucked that we had nothing to do, how much it sucked that we drove around, how much it sucked that noone had asked us to hang out Etc. But i thought about how nice it was that i got to spend a great night with someone who i can laugh with, and have a great time talking about everything with! So even if you woke up this morning and the sun wasnt shining, think about how you have the WHOLE day ahead of you, how you can acomplish anything you want today. Thats why i think a lot of the times relationships have a hard time being sucessful, becuase its almost like after the "honeymoon phase" you only look at the positives, and never think about how great that person is, how much you enjoy spending time with them.
Song i listened too while writing this:
your goal for today: take a second and tell someone something positive you like about them. Itll make them feel good, and i can almost garuntee you that they will say something nice back that`ll make you feel even better!!!
with love,
Friday, April 29, 2011
hey guysss
soo i know you alll watched the royal wedding this morning at 4 AM!!! I actually did not watch it, i had to work, but im not sure why people made it such a huge deal, i mean yeah its a wedding, but im not gonna wake up at 4 in the morning to watch it yannooo!!!
anyways, sorry for the really short posts latley, ive been really busy, but when i get more time im gonna start posting videos on make-up tutorials!! soo look out for those!
your goal for today: go outside! its beautiful out there!:)
with love,
soo i know you alll watched the royal wedding this morning at 4 AM!!! I actually did not watch it, i had to work, but im not sure why people made it such a huge deal, i mean yeah its a wedding, but im not gonna wake up at 4 in the morning to watch it yannooo!!!
anyways, sorry for the really short posts latley, ive been really busy, but when i get more time im gonna start posting videos on make-up tutorials!! soo look out for those!
your goal for today: go outside! its beautiful out there!:)
with love,
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Hellooo everyonee!!!
this is gonna be a short post cause i have some friends over but i wanted to post SOMETHING
soo today was a great dayy, i had the day off and it was reallllly hot outside so it was nice to be able to just be outside. I sometimes feel as though i have literally no motivation to excersise, its honestly like a task i have to get done!!
soo today i tried to go for a run, but i have shin splints so it makes it REALLLLLY hard.
i wish i knew how to make them go away, but i have no clueeee
does anyone know how to heal shin splints?
your goal for today: get motivated about something youve wanted to acomplish for a while now. TODAY IS THE DAYY!!!
with love,
this is gonna be a short post cause i have some friends over but i wanted to post SOMETHING
soo today was a great dayy, i had the day off and it was reallllly hot outside so it was nice to be able to just be outside. I sometimes feel as though i have literally no motivation to excersise, its honestly like a task i have to get done!!
soo today i tried to go for a run, but i have shin splints so it makes it REALLLLLY hard.
i wish i knew how to make them go away, but i have no clueeee
does anyone know how to heal shin splints?
your goal for today: get motivated about something youve wanted to acomplish for a while now. TODAY IS THE DAYY!!!
with love,
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